Early warning system for flood warning in small regions
Measure water levels, rainfall and soil moisture at strategic points. Respond to heavy rain, storm surges and flooding. Alert citizens early and efficiently.
Flooding | Warning | Monitoring | Heavy rain
Early detection of floods plays a vital role in protecting lives and property. Small regional areas are particularly vulnerable to sudden heavy rainfall events.
Real-time water level and precipitation measurement systems combined with rainfall forecast data are calculated using AI algorithms to produce forecasts that are accurate to the minute. A time saving of minutes to hours in an emergency.
Early flood detection is based on a network of intelligent sensors installed at strategic points in high-risk areas.
Fast data acquisition: The sensors continuously measure relevant parameters such as rainfall, water levels and soil moisture.
AI-based data evaluation: Algorithms analyse the collected data in real time and compare it with the maximum capacity of the area. Weather forecast data is also used.
Early warning: When critical thresholds are exceeded, alerts are sent to emergency services and citizens.
Save time in an emergency
Early warning gives the emergency services and those affected valuable time to prepare for the impending danger and take appropriate action. The time saved can be in the order of minutes (flood detection) or hours (forecast for setting up flood defences).
Flood forecasting for river basins and catchments
AI algorithms are used to generate forecasts for a defined catchment area using water levels and rainfall forecasts. These forecasts provide a 1-3 hour lead time for flood defence planning.
Log rainwater overflow
Retention and stormwater overflow basins are efficiently monitored. Forecasting tools help to predict overflows, saving critical time. On the other hand, overflows are automatically logged, making work easier.
Early detection of flood risks
Continuous measurements of water levels, combined with soil moisture and rainfall, make it easier to predict impending floods. This enables early warning and appropriate action to be taken. People and buildings are protected from damage.
Objective information for better assessment
The early warning system for floods and inundations provides objective information about the actual threat situation on site, which is available online. The measured values provide a comprehensive picture of the situation. This enables better situation assessment and decision making. Priorities can be set objectively and based on data.
Alerting citizens and emergency services
Emergency services and citizens can view the current readings on the online platform at any time and get an idea of the current threat situation. In the event of defined incidents, emergency services such as the fire brigade or the mayor are alerted by text message. In a second step, they can also alert citizens via SMS at the push of a button.
Data loggers, sensors, mounting accessories and the platform for configuration, visualisation, alarming and management – the components allow you to create solutions tailored to your needs. We can help you choose the right components. The system is modular. You can start with just a few measuring points and gradually expand your early warning system.
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Mehr erfahren
The Ruprechtshofen fire brigade has been using the early warning system for several years. The Melk is a fast-flowing river. The early warning system is an important source of information for controlling operations. It also makes communication with the public much easier.
The data collected are available on the platform wasserstand.info:
Measure water levels, rainfall and soil moisture at strategic points. Respond to heavy rain, storm surges and flooding. Alert citizens early and efficiently.
Microtronics Engineering GmbH
Hauptstrasse 7
3244 Ruprechtshofen
Microtronics Engineering GmbH
Hauptstrasse 7
3244 Ruprechtshofen
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