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Jellox: the data logger for
wastewater and sewers

Jellox - Sensoren

THE tool for sewer monitoring

Jellox immerses you in the fascinating world of sewers and becomes an indispensable tool for sewer monitoring. With the data logger, you will never miss an event in the sewer again, helping to protect the environment.

Like a jellyfish, Jellox collects data in the sewer and is adaptable. The sensors form the tentacles. They measure level, gas concentration, temperature, pressure, fill level and more.

Jellox Feature - Self-sufficient
Jellox Feature - 10 years runtime
Jellox Feature - Data quality
Jellox Feature - 10 sec. measurement interval
Jellox Feature - Upgradeable
Jellox Feature - ATEX Zone 1

10 second measurement interval. 10-year runtime.

Thanks to a measurement every 10 seconds and a runtime of 10 years you receive live data directly from the sewer. Time-consuming and costly maintenance is therefore a thing of the past. Use in the harsh and inhospitable ATEX zone is no problem for Jellox;

Much like a central nervous system, the datalogger records data from up to 4 remote sensors and one measurement channel (analogue or gas). The data is transferred to the cloud for evaluation, alerting and analysis. High data quality, ease of use and stand-alone operation give you valuable insight into the sewer.

Jellox - der Datenlogger für die raue Umgebung

Jellox is available in the following variants

Jellox offers maximum flexibility and can be used for a wide range of applications.
Depending on the use case , you can choose from the Basic, Pro and Elite versions.

Jellox Basic
  • 1x remote sensor
Jellox Pro
  • 1x remote sensor (input or output)
  • Measurement channel: Analogue or gas
Jellox Elite
  • 4x remote sensor (input or output)
  • Measurement channel: Analogue or gas

Find out which option is right for you in just a few steps.
Fill out the form below and receive a non-binding offer for your suitable Jelloxvariant.

This is Jellox

Get an overview of the most important information about Jellox in this short video.
In less than a minute you will learn about:

  • 3 steps to sewer monitoring
  • The main features
  • Possible use cases

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Level measurement with remote sensors

Measurement of the gas concentration

Messung der Gaskonzentration
  • H2S 7H (0-200ppm; max. 1.000ppm)
  • H2S BE (0-2.000ppm; max. 3.900ppm)
  • H2S B1 (0-200ppm; max. 500ppm)
  • H2S BH (0-50ppm; max. 200ppm)
  • H2S C50 (0-50ppm; max. 100ppm)
  • NH3 (0-50ppm; max. 100ppm)
  • H2O2 (0-100ppm; max. 200ppm)

Measurement of e.g. temperature, pressure, fill level via analogue input

Key facts at a glance

The clear datasheet gives you all the information you need about the new data logger:

  • Technical data
  • Features
  • Product variants
  • Compatible sensors

Jellox in use

Get to know Jellox


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Technical data

Item no.

400100 (Jellox Basic) | 400101 (Jellox Pro Analog) | 400102 (Jellox Pro Gas) | 400103 (Jellox Elite) | 400104 (Jellox Elite Analog)| 400105 (Jellox Elite Gas)


4x remote sensors

1x optional measurement channel

  • analogue (0…20mA / 4…20mA, load 2Ω)
  • Gas sensor
Sensor supply at 4...20mA measurement channel

1x switchable sensor supply (0…22V, warm-up time ≥ 0.1 sec)

  • Uo: 25,6V
  • Io: 82mA
  • PUo: 0,523W
  • Co: 0,31 µF
  • Lo: 1000 µH
Internal measurement values
  • SOC (state of charge)
  • Battery life in days
  • Cellular signal strength
  • Humidity and temperature in the device
Ex certification

Zone 1 (<Ex> II 2G Exib IIB T3 Gb)

Power supply

Internal battery 2x Li-SOCl2 (D-cell)

Battery life time
  • Jellox Basic (1x remote sensor): ~ 13,5 years
  • Jellox Pro (1x remote sensor / analogue measuring channel): ~ 4.5 years
  • Jellox Elite (2x remote sensor / without measuring channel): ~ 12 years
  • Jellox Elite (4x remote sensor / without measuring channel): ~ 8.5 years
  • Jellox Elite (4x remote sensor / analogue measuring channel): ~ 4 years

Measurement settings:

  • Remote sensor with 10sec measuring interval, 5min recording interval and 12h data transmission
  • 4-20mA sensor with 1sec warm-up time at 5min measuring interval and 12h data transmission

Data transmission

M1/NB1 World


106 x 169 x 61mm (with protective armour, without sensors)


1.5″ Full Color Display

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