IoT Trends

The monthly podcast about everything,
what moves the IoT world.

IoT Trends

The monthly podcast about everything,
what moves the IoT world.

Future trends, visions, technologies, best practices, examples and much more

In the IoT Trends podcast, Marketing Manager Sabrina Waldbauer and Chief Visionary Officer Hans-Peter Buber discuss everything that is important in the IoT environment: tools, applications, data transmission, connectivity, programming, hardware, software and services. Added value and benefits – no mincing of words here!

You can find the latest episodes here and wherever podcasts are available.
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#12 Safety vs. security: How do you keep your system secure?

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Seguridad, Sécurité, Sicurezza, … Did you know that not all security is the same? In many languages there is only one word, but in English we speak of safety or security – and the two have completely different meanings!

In this podcast episode, Sabrina Waldbauer and Hans-Peter Buber look at the differences between the two terms. They also explain the 4 areas that need to be considered in the technical environment and talk about approaches to creating a robust, safety-critical system in an industrial environment.

#11 Ahead of corrosion in the sewer: how it works

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Corrosion in the sewer is an expensive challenge. A functioning and reliable wastewater network is the core component for maintaining our modern hygiene standards. Due to natural biological processes, H2S gas is produced in the sewer, which is corrosive and harmful to health.

In the 11th episode of IoT Trends, Sabrina Waldbauer and Hans-Peter Buber take a closer look at these processes and show why continuous gas measurement is the basis for further steps.

#10 Data from the explosive ATEX zone: Here's how

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We Austrians consume 130 litres of water per day. The water used – for example when showering or flushing the toilet – ends up in the sewage system. There, biological reactions create a highly explosive atmosphere.

Things get explosive again in the 10th episode of IoT Trends. Sabrina Waldbauer and Hans-Peter Buber explain which components are required in the sewer to collect data, enable control systems and drive forward targeted renovation measures. They also present three protection concepts with which the components can be used in the ATEX zone.

#9 Explosion hazard: ATEX secret language decoded

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Did you know that there is a risk of explosion in the sewer? If flammable gas, oxygen and an ignition source come together, it can even become really dangerous.

Things get explosive in the 9th episode of IoT Trends. Sabrina Waldbauer and Hans-Peter Buber talk about what an explosion actually is and what role personal protection plays in it. They also jointly decode the “secret language” behind the cryptic ATEX designation: Ex II 2G Ex ib IIB T3 Gb.

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stormwater overflow

Environmental Technology

Future trends

Frequency bands

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