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Alarm | Threshold | Real-time | Harsh environment

Reliable real-time alarms for your sewer system

Monitor your sewer networks efficiently and accurately. Identify critical situations in harsh environments early and react immediately. This significantly increases safety and reliability.

Set individual thresholds, create alarm schedules and receive instant alerts when thresholds are exceeded. So you never have to miss an event in the sewer and you help protect the environment.

How does an alarm in the sewer system work?

Sensors and data loggers in sewers continuously monitor data such as water level, flow rate, temperature and other relevant parameters. If a pre-defined threshold is exceeded – for example, if the water level rises, indicating potential flooding – the system triggers an alarm.

The alarm is triggered in real time and routed through a central platform to the appropriate people or systems for immediate action. This is particularly important in harsh environments to prevent damage to infrastructure and the environment.

Why is it so important to have an alarm in the sewer system?

Early detection of problems

Alarms can detect potential problems such as blockages, flooding or leaks before they cause major damage.

Preventing environmental damage

By immediately raising the alarm in the event of unusual conditions, action can be taken to prevent environmental damage, such as the release of effluent into the surrounding area.

Minimise damage to infrastructure

Timely alerts help to quickly identify and repair damage to the sewer infrastructure, such as cracks or bursts, before it gets worse.

Safeguarding public health

Monitoring and alerting reduces the risk of health hazards from improper wastewater disposal or contaminated water sources.

Cost efficiency

Early warnings can prevent costly repairs and emergency action by enabling timely maintenance and intervention before major damage occurs.

Complying with legal requirements

Alarm systems help to meet legal requirements for the monitoring and control of sewer networks, which can help to avoid fines and legal consequences.

What events can trigger an alarm?

  • Measured value exceeds or falls below warning or alarm limit
  • Fault Warning: a measured value is out of range
  • Alarm fault: the measurement signal has failed
  • Connection failure to the unit
  • Unit has been removed from a marked location
  • Error in the device logic
  • Data transfer volume exceeds warning limit
  • The reason for an event no longer exists or has been acknowledged
  • Freely defined events can also be triggered by the installed app

How does the alarm work?

An alarm call plan is used in the platform to define who is notified, when and how.

  • Who? A list of recipients to be notified is configured for each alarm call plan. The recipients of an alarm call plan can be notified in parallel or serially.
  • When? The alarm schedule allows you to set which days of the week and at what times you want the alarm to be active. You can also limit an alarm call plan to a date range.
  • How? Each recipient of an alarm call plan can be notified in one or more of the following ways: SMS, email, automated phone call, HTTP push.

Instantly informed alerted with Jellox

Jellox is THE tool for sewer monitoring. The data logger measures every 10 seconds and provides you with live data directly from the sewer.

The collected data is transmitted to the central platform where it is available for analysis. If defined thresholds are reached, an alarm is triggered immediately. Never miss an event in the sewer again.

The right sensors for your application

Use Case:
Alarm system in storage sewer, storm overflow tank or storm retention tank

  • Continuous level and overflow monitoring provides early warning of critical conditions.
  • Automated data processing with email notification when overflowing occurs.
  • Automatic alarm in the event of unexpected overflow or blockage.
  • Excellent data quality with timestamps, without interruptions.
  • Innovative use of sensor fusion, such as a digital float switch, extends battery life up to 8 years with a 4-20mA sensor.
  • Maintenance concept tailored to planned service intervals reduces the number of on-site visits.
  • Efficient use of resources through online access and easy administration.

Industry solutions

Reliable real-time alerting

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