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Sanitary sewer overflow basin | combined sewer overflow basin | Sewage system

Process control system for sanitary sewer overflow basins and combined sewer system

Control, automate and monitor your sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) or combined sewer overflow (CSO). Transfer your data securely and reliably to the central Microtronics platform. Connect your process control system for even greater flexibility.

Remotely monitor your sanitary sewer overflow basin. You receive an immediate alarm when a defined threshold is reached. You can also benefit from automatically generated reports.

What exactly is a sanitary sewer overflow basin?

A sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) basin, also known as a combined sewer overflow (CSO) basin, relieves the combined sewer system during heavy rainfall and prevents uncontrolled discharge of wastewater into the environment. These basins are particularly important in urban areas with combined sewer systems as they collect and transport both wastewater and rainwater in one system.

Sanitary sewer overflow basins are key elements in combined sewer systems, protecting water quality and urban infrastructure. They are essential components of wastewater treatment systems that are specifically designed to meet the challenges posed by different types of wastewater in urban areas.

Functions of sanitary sewer overflow basins

Holding basin

A sanitary sewer overflow basin acts as a holding tank that can temporarily hold large volumes of water when the sewer system is heavily polluted by rainfall. This prevents the sewer system from flooding, protecting the environment and the city’s infrastructure.

Basin overflow

During extreme weather events, when the sanitary sewer overflow basin reaches its capacity limit, a basin overflow may occur. In this case, the excess storm water is released into rivers or other bodies of water in a controlled manner to avoid overloading the sewer system. This is an important safety measure to prevent damage to the infrastructure.

Rainwater treatment system

In many cases, a sanitary sewer overflow basin also acts as a rainwater treatment system. This is where the water is pre-treated before being discharged into natural watercourses. Suspended solids and other pollutants settle to the bottom of the tank while the treated water is discharged. This reduces the pollutant load in natural waters and protects the environment.

Significance of combined sewerage and mixing systems

Combined sewers and mixed systems collect wastewater from households and industry together with rainwater in a common sewer. This can lead to capacity problems during heavy rainfall. These systems are common in older urban areas where separate systems are difficult to implement.

Separation systems, on the other hand, divert wastewater to the treatment plant and rainwater to surface water or infiltration, which reduces the load on treatment plants and is particularly effective in wet weather.

The challenges of combined systems

Overloading in heavy rain

A significant problem with combined systems is the potential for overloading during heavy rainfall, which can lead to overflows. This means that untreated wastewater can be released into the environment, which causes environmental problems and is subject to strict legal requirements.

Waste water treatment

As wastewater and rainwater are treated together in combined sewer systems, the capacity of wastewater treatment plants can be severely strained. This requires robust data collection and event logging systems to effectively monitor and control the load.

Environmental risks

Overflows can release pollutants into water bodies, posing a risk to the environment. This requires the use of advanced process control systems and monitoring techniques to minimise the impact.

Automation and monitoring of sanitary sewer overflow basins

To meet these challenges, the automation of rainwater and combined sewer overflow basins is essential. Modern water management benefits from automation because it enables efficient control and monitoring of systems. This in turn optimises operations and protects the environment.

Technologies used include pump control systems that automatically regulate water levels and control valves that regulate water flow. Weather forecasting models use weather data to manage pool overflow, while intelligent control systems use algorithms to reduce operating costs and use resources efficiently.

Remote monitoring for sanitary sewer overflow basins

Remote monitoring systems for sanitary sewer overflow basins allow centralised monitoring and control of the systems. These include SCADA systems for remote monitoring and telecontrol, as well as sensors and actuators that measure water level and flow.

Remote monitoring has many advantages: Automatic alarms allow rapid response to unusual events or emergencies without the need for operators to be on site. This reduces the number of inspections required and lowers operating costs. It also improves operational safety and reduces downtime. Continuous data collection supports in-depth analysis and planning of future actions.

Data collection and event logging

Accurate data collection is essential for the automation and monitoring of sanitary sewer overflow basins.

  • Measurement technology: Sensors continuously measure key parameters that are monitored in real time. This measurement technology forms the basis for remote monitoring and telecontrol.
  • Data loggers and electronic data transmission: Data loggers continuously store data that is sent to centralised systems via electronic data transmission. This data is essential for data storage and event logging.
  • Event logging: All relevant events, such as exceeded thresholds or faults, are recorded. This event logging is important for analysing and optimising systems.

The 5x5 of data loggers in the rain overflow

5 reasons. 5 use cases. Endless possibilities.

Find out why data loggers are so useful in sanitary sewer overflow basins. Different use cases show you the possible applications. Detailed application examples will also give you an insight into how technology can make your life easier.

Use case #1:
Rainwater overflow reporting and sewer level measurement

  • Detection of critical situations (for example, backwater) through permanent monitoring of fill level and temperature
  • Alerting in case of unexpected overflow or blockage
  • Outstanding data quality with time stamp; no missed data
  • Automated data preparation and e-mail reporting
  • Immediate response due to 10 seconds measuring interval with a runtime of 10 years
  • Maintenance concept tailored to service cycles reduces trips to a minimum
  • Efficient personnel deployment through online access and easy administration

Use case #2:
Level measurement in the storage sewer, stormwater overflow basin or stormwater retention areas

  • Detection of critical situations through permanent monitoring of fill level overflow
  • Automated data processing and e-mail reporting of overflow events
  • Alerting in case of unexpected overflow or blockage
  • Outstanding data quality with time stamp; no missed data
  • Innovative sensor (for example digital float switch) fusion extends battery life up to 8 years, based on a 4-20mA sensor
  • Maintenance concept tailored to service cycles reduces trips to a minimum
  • Efficient personnel deployment through online access and easy administration

The right hardware and software for your use case

Industry solutions


Monitor and control your sanitary sewer overflow basin!

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