Smart rain gauges: sensors for rain and precipitation measurement

With rain gauges and precipitation sensors, you can generate a solid database. This enables effective water management. We present three rain gauges as well as the specific cabling and application with the myDatalogEASY IoT.
The integration of additional sensors is possible.

Table of Contents

Storms with heavy rainfall lead to disasters such as flooding and mudslides. The other side of the extreme is dryness and drought. Rain and precipitation sensors are efficient helpers for collecting a solid database for water management, whether in canals or in agriculture. Depending on the topographical structure, just a few sensors or an entire network of sensors – so-called swarm sensors – can capture the required database.

As an example, we present three rain gauges that send data to the platform with the myDatalogEASY IoT. By using the respective application (software or programme logic), you configure the rain gauges via the platform and receive evaluations and reports of the measurement data there. While there is a separate customised application for the Lambrecht rain gauge, the Pronamic and Hydreon rain gauges work with the myDatalogEASY IoT standardapplication ” 4-channel data logger”.

The integration of additional sensors is possible. Extensive libraries and demo applications are available in the Studio for this purpose. We will be happy to take care of the integration for you on request. Please contact your Partner Manager.

Rain gauge Pronamic Hydreon
Measuring accuracy ++++ ++ +
Energy requirement +++ ++ +
Price €€€€ €€ €
Measuring principle Weighing, with automatic self-emptying Single-bucket tipping bucket Optical rain sensor

Lambrecht rain gauge

The “rain[e]one Modbus” precipitation sensor was integrated by Lambrecht. This is a cradle-type rain gauge.

You need

      • myDatalogEASY IoT (300981 or 301003)
        • Feature activation RS485 (300730)
        • PSU413D+ AP Akku Outdoor 13,6Ah (300524)
            • Modbus rain gauge” application

        • PV module 30W (301172)
        • Housing for outdoor installation (301173)
        • Pipe mounting set (301184)
        • Precipitation sensor “rain[e]one Modbus” from Lambrecht(the precipitation sensor is supplied with power via the myDatalogEASY IoT)

      Key Features

          • High-quality rain gauge with weighing technology; measurement from the first drop
          • Adjustable measurement and transmission interval
          • Transmission of the basic data of the rain gauge (device ID, S/N, FW version)
          • Transmission of the diagnostic data of the rain gauge
          • Commissioning mode (Aloha)
          • Transmission of the measured values:
            • Precipitation [mm/measurement interval] [mm/Messintervall]
            • Temperature rain gauge [°C]
            • Vin [V]
            • SOC battery [%]
                • GSM level [dBm] [dBm]

          The rain gauge with heating is available as an option. The power supply housing with built-in 24V switching power supply (301442) is required for this.


          Connection IGM Lambrecht rain gauge to myDatalogEASY IoT

          Pronamic rain gauge

          You need

              • myDatalogEASY IoT (300981 or 301003)
                • PSU713D BP Battery Outdoor 13Ah (300526)
                    • Application „4-channel data logger“

                • Housing for outdoor installation (301173)
                • Pipe mounting set (301184)
                • Pronamic rain gauge – tipping bucket

              Key Features

                  • Very low power consumption
                  • Runtime with PSU > 2.5 years
                  • Adjustable measurement and transmission interval
                  • Event handling in the form of alarms or triggers, e.g. detection of heavy rain events
                  • Detection “Stuck” event (spoon gets stuck)
                  • Commissioning mode (Aloha)
                  • Transmission of the measured values
                    • Precipitation [mm/measurement interval] [mm/Messintervall]
                    • Vin [V]
                    • Vbatt[V]
                    • SOC battery [%]
                    • GSM level [dBm] [dBm]
                    • Runtime [dd:hh] [dd:hh]
                    • Internal humidity myDatalogEASY IoT [rH] [rH]
                        • Internal temperature myDatalogEASY IoT [C°] [C°]


                  Pronamic rain gauge connection on the myDatalogEASY IoTmini

                  Hydreon rain gauge

                  You need

                      • myDatalogEASY IoT (300981 or 301003)
                        • PSU413D+ AP Akku Outdoor 13,6Ah (300524)
                            • Application „4-channel data logger“

                        • PV module 10W or 30W (301449 or 301172)
                        • Housing for outdoor installation (301173)
                        • Pipe mounting set (301184)
                        • Hydreon rain gauge – Optical rain sensor
                              • RG-15: Rain sensor LowPower with pulse output or RS232

                        Key Features

                            • No mechanical parts
                            • Optical, maintenance-free system
                            • Measures even very small amounts of rain from the 1st drop
                            • Adjustable measurement and transmission interval
                            • Event handling in the form of alarms or triggers, e.g. detection of heavy rain events
                            • Commissioning mode (Aloha)
                            • Transmission of the measured values
                              • Precipitation [mm/measurement interval] [mm/Messintervall]
                              • Vin [V]
                              • Vbatt[V]
                              • SOC battery [%]
                              • GSM level [dBm] [dBm]
                              • Runtime [dd:hh] [dd:hh]
                              • Internal humidity myDatalogEASY IoT [rH] [rH]
                                  • Internal temperature myDatalogEASY IoT [C°] [C°]


                            Connection of Hydreon rain gauge to myDatalogEASY IoT


                            The three rain and precipitation sensors provide an insight into the different requirements. The examples show how the data from the sensors is recorded and made available on the platform.

                            The myDatalogEASY IoT records the data of the connected sensor via the digital/analogue input, the RS232, RS485 or SDI12 interface. The “4-channel data logger” application maps the basic functionalities. Adaptation and customising of the application are possible.

                            Would you like to digitally record a rain gauge or other sensors? Request the myDatalogEASY IoT and any customising. Depending on the use case, we will also be happy to put you in touch with a suitable integration partner;

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