Smart water meter

What's the solution about?
Bernhardt’s Söhne GmbH has been producing water meters for over 150 years. In order to keep a finger on the pulse of time, these have been further developed again and again.
The latest innovation is water meters that record values every 15 minutes and transmit them to the internet via LoRa. For this purpose, the LoRaWAN of SENS (joint venture of Kapsch BusinessCom, Microtronics and ors) is used, as well as relying on their expert knowledge in technology issues.
Water meters are often installed in inaccessible places, such as shafts or cellars, which is a particular challenge when transmitting data by radio. The penetration depth of LoRaWAN makes this technology particularly attractive for such applications.
Big Data in the water industry
In Europe we have 20% water loss due to leaking pipes. The average pipeline network is more than 50 years old. With such monitoring, losses become visible. Leakages appear just in time as a warning message on the mobile phone and can be reacted to promptly.
Creeping water losses in flats or hotel facilities can thus also be detected. This is relevant when tenants or hotel guests do not report defective WC flushes, for example. There is enormous potential for savings here and thus contributes to a “Smart City”.
Another possibility is to trigger alarms when a persistent water consumption is measured although nobody is at home. This “holiday mode” can prevent unpleasant surprises after a relaxing holiday.
Product features
- Transmission of values every quarter of an hour
- New applications due to the regular counter values
- Prevention of water loss
- Use of LoRa
- Good building penetration
- Possibility of bidirectional communication
- Integration of the highest security requirements

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These components are used
The competent partner when it comes to water meters, radio reading and modern meter data management, system technology and accessories. Berhardt produces and calibrates water meters and sells peripheral products that make the consumption of water controllable;
As a state-approved test centre for flow measurement and throttle devices in Hesse (EKVO) and North Rhine-Westphalia (SüwV-kom), its customers include engineering firms as well as private and public sewer network operators.
IZ NÖ-Süd, Gewerbestraße 18 Objekt M69
2355 Wiener Neudorf
Austria -
- +43 2236 677100-0