Inteso & Machland-Damm
Flood protection system monitoring

What's the solution about?
A classic August day: the sun is shining on your belly. You enjoy a delicious ice cream before plunging into the cool waters of the bathing pond. A welcome refreshment.
But not so in August 2002. Rainfall that lasts for days causes water levels to rise continuously and keeps the population on tenterhooks. A flood of the century hits Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic, causing damage totalling 15 billion euros.
The Machland region of Upper Austria was particularly affected. In Mitterkirchen, 96% of the houses were destroyed or damaged by the flood.
The solution
The flood of 2002 once again shows the relevance of building a flood protection system. Since 2012, the Machland Dam has stretched over 36 kilometres from Mauthausen to Sankt Nikola. This protects 22,400 people.
Less than a year after completion, the Machland Dam has already done a good job.
The cooperation
In order to measure the pressure on the embankment surface in the event of a flood, several gauging stations were set up by Inteso GmbH. For this purpose, the gauge pipes were equipped with pressure probes and connected to the myDatalogNANO. With IP68 protection, the myDatalogNANO is suitable for permanent submersion. Thanks to the compact design, installation in the existing gauge pipes was simple.
The measured values are transmitted to a central server at regular intervals. Through these remote transmissions, all groundwater level measuring points can be queried from the control centre.
In the event of a flood, the fire brigades can also be supported with this system. The readings help to assess the situation better and more comfortably. For this purpose, it is possible to adjust the measuring and transmission intervals and thus to obtain current measured values more quickly.

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These components are used
Founded in 2010, INTESO is an electrical engineering service provider with a focus on
measurement, control and automation technology.
Inteso has decades of experience in the planning, construction and support of plants and also offers: Service and maintenance work, troubleshooting, adaptation to the state of the art and safety inspections
Pulvermühlweg 15
3250 Wieselburg
Austria -
- +43 676 7777 132