ARGE FrostStrat

Effectively combat late frost with real-time data

Froststrat gegen Spätfrost
Arge - FrostStrat - Frost damage
FrostStrat Platform

What's the solution about?

Climate change brings milder weather in spring. As a result, vines and fruit trees begin to blossom earlier and earlier. Late frosts and cold snaps pose a threat to the sensitive flowers and subsequently to the entire harvest. Wine and fruit growers counter this danger with sprinkler systems, paraffin candles or helicopters. But the measures are associated with high financial and time costs. A seamless database in real time makes all the difference.

To effectively combat late frost, accurate, small-region weather data directly from the vineyards and orchards is needed. As part of the project, around 360 temperature and humidity sensors were installed in an area – which covers Lower Austria, Burgenland and parts of Styria. The data obtained, together with large-scale weather data from the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), as well as forecasts and recommendations for action, can be accessed in real time via desktop or smartphone. The artificial intelligence used is constantly learning. If late frost is expected, wine and fruit growers are warned via SMS or e-mail.


  • Fewer crop failures
  • Cost reduction
  • Density of sensors guarantees small-regional data
  • Measurement of humidity, temperature, wind etc.
  • Forecasts & recommended actions in real time
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) learns continuously and leads to better results

These components are used

Environmental Technology

ARGE FrostStrat Project

The aim of this project was to develop a decision-making aid for wine and fruit growers to avert the threat of frost damage. More information about the ARGE FrostStrat project can be found here.

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