ARA Lake Thun Municipal Association
Determine the flow rate in a treatment plant

What's the solution about?
The ARA Thunersee is a municipal wastewater treatment plant and treats the wastewater of 38 municipalities in the region of Thun. Residents and industry currently result in a load of approx. 150,000 population equivalents. The sewage treatment plant went into operation in 1972 and has been continuously expanded since then. It impresses with its high cleaning performance, low costs and above-average energy values.
ARA Thunersee is one of the most modern wastewater treatment plants in Switzerland. The existing measuring points in the sewer network (whose maintenance is not one of ARA’s tasks) no longer met the requirements of innovative operation and were replaced. In order to be able to distribute the operating costs among the municipalities, the data of the more than 40 newly installed measuring points of the sewer network, which record the respective dry weather quantity, should be transmitted wirelessly and thus enable remote access as well as their ongoing evaluation.
At over 40 measuring points, the flow rate is determined from the damming height above a Venturi constriction. The water level, the calculated flow rate, the summed daily total and information on the maintenance of the measuring point are recorded by Microtronics. With myDatalog, this data is sent via GPRS to the central server at ARA Thunersee. In this way, the staff of ARA Thunersee can read out the data from the measuring points at any time via remote access. The project coordination and installation of the remote access solution was carried out by Ensola AG, which is also responsible for its maintenance.
The cooperation
For the “ARA Thunersee” project, an M2M solution from Microtronics was used, which consists of the three components myDatalog as the transmission device, Managed Service as the GSM communication service and the server licence myDatanet;
For ARA Thunersee, the cooperation with Microtronics has resulted in the following advantages:
- Permanent access to the data of the measuring points
- Permanent control of the data of the measuring points
- Resource savings, as staff no longer have to read out the measuring points on site
These components are used
The Lake Thun WWTP treats an average of around 14.5 million cubic metres of wastewater per year. The majority is commercial and domestic wastewater, but rainwater is also treated.
The activities of ARA Thunersee protect the environment and contribute to preserving a healthy natural environment for the population of the region as well as the underlying areas and an intact habitat for future generations.
Aarestrasse 62
3661 Uetendorf
Schweiz -
- +41 33 346 00 80