leova® SMART

Information and control system in viticulture

leova® SMART in use
leova® SMART
leova® SMART in use
leova® SMART

What the partner solution offers

The world’s first pile-integrated information and control system in real time measures the microclimate directly in the user’s vineyard and enables sustainable and optimised time and resource management in the vineyard.

The measured microclimate data on leaf wetness, temperature and humidity are the basis of the forecasts for fungal diseases, for which the proven models of VitiMeteo have been further optimised especially for leova® SMART. GPS data supports MeteoBlue’s intelligent, location-based weather and precipitation forecasts and frost warnings via SMS. There is no need to worry about interfaces between different services and providers, because leova® SMART provides everything as a unique complete package from a single source.

The base station, equipped with long-lasting batteries, is networked with the sensors in the vineyard rows and transmits the collected data via IoT connectivity (LTE CAT-M) to provide the user with personalised forecasts in real time on their smartphone.
The integrated sensors record temperature (range -25…+55°C, accuracy ±0.2°C), relative humidity in % (range 0…100%rh | accuracy ±0.8%rh), rainfall in litres/m² (recording accuracy ±0.2l) as well as leaf wetness and leaf wetness duration. The mounting height of the frost sensor can be varied individually, which makes it possible to mount it exactly at the position at risk of frost thanks to simple fastening with a wing screw.

In order to be able to accurately map the microclimatic conditions, leaf wetness is recorded at two different locations in the vineyard. This allows leova® SMART to respond to small regional differences depending on the topographical orientation and location of the vineyards. The novel design of the leaf moisture sensor offers the decisive advantage that the moisture can be measured on both the upper and the lower side of the leaf, which makes it possible to distinguish between rain and dew moisture, which in turn is included in the calculation of the forecasts. Since the relevant fungal diseases develop specifically on the underside of the leaves, the newly developed sensor thus provides the decisive information advantage for the accurate forecasts.

The leova® SMART app guides you through the setup, making it easy to install stakes and sensors yourself. After just a few hours, the data is sent live from the respective field to the smartphone. The entire history of the measurement data is also available on a web platform.

The individual infection pressure in the respective vineyard is graphically displayed in the app and supports the winemaker in the targeted optimisation of plant protection in a yield-securing and sustainable manner. With the digital expansion of the leova® product family, Krems is also meeting the increasing challenges in view of the consequences of climate change. After all, crop failures due to late frost cause costs in the upper double-digit millions in Austrian viticulture and fruit growing alone. Often, individual crop protection passes can be saved without compromising on quality standards.

In selected test farms in Germany and Austria and accompanied by experts from HTBLA Klosterneuburg, WBI Freiburg and Agroscope Wädenswil, leova® SMART was extensively tested internationally before the system was launched on the market in spring 2021.


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Environmental Technology

voestalpine Krems GmbH

voestalpine Krems is the competent partner for innovative steel tubes and sections. The sustainable success is based on many years of experience in roll forming. voestalpine Krems develops tailor-made solutions with alternative technologies & materials for specific customer needs. With leova® , voestalpine Krems has developed a well thought-out and practical pile system for modern, quality-oriented and economical viticulture and orcharding, which combines the experience of decades of cooperation with viticulture and orcharding experts and the advantages of high-quality steel processing. The steel pile system is easy to move and lighter than, for example, concrete or wood, functional, extremely durable and the undisputed number 1 on the market in terms of stability.

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