Monitoring of bulk water meters
Monitor bulk water meters easily, reliably and efficiently. Detect anomalies early and react immediately!
Water distribution | Drinking water | Efficiency
Efficient monitoring of bulk water meters is the key to transparent and sustainable water management. Accurate data collection and advanced monitoring technologies make it possible to analyse consumption patterns, detect leaks early and minimise water losses.
Optimise the efficiency of your water distribution with state-of-the-art data loggers that are reliable, accurate and future-proof.
The monitoring of a bulk water meter works by accurately recording and continuously monitoring the volume of water flowing through it. The bulk water meter measures water flow in real time and collects key data such as volume and flow rate. This data is recorded by built-in or connected sensors and stored in a data logger.
The data logger wirelessly transmits the readings to the central platform. There, the data can be visualised, analysed and evaluated in real time. Anomalies such as leaks or abnormal consumption are detected immediately, allowing water suppliers or operators to intervene at an early stage to minimise losses and optimise the efficiency of water distribution.
Early leak detection
Monitoring bulk water meters helps to detect water losses due to leaks or burst pipes before they cause major damage or costs.
Optimisation of water distribution
By continuously monitoring water flow, the supply can be matched to actual demand and the efficiency of the water network increased.
Cost control and billing
Accurate metering data enables fair and transparent billing for suppliers and consumers.
Sustainable use of resources
Monitoring helps to minimise water losses and use water resources more efficiently – an important contribution to sustainability.
Transparency and data analysis
Monitoring provides valuable insight into consumption patterns and anomalies, providing the basis for decisions on future investment or optimisation.
Fast response to faults
Real-time data makes it possible to detect faults in the water network immediately and take action before they affect the supply.
Data is stored and configured directly on the central platform, giving you full control over your systems. You can set individual thresholds and define specific actions to be triggered when required.
The Smart Actions feature gives you maximum flexibility to respond to specific events. The intelligent algorithms make real-time decisions and automatically initiate the necessary actions.
Leaks, for example, can be detected early and repaired immediately. The result: you save valuable time and significantly reduce your costs.
Jellox Pulse makes monitoring bulk water meters simple, reliable and efficient. It records accurate consumption data, detects anomalies such as burst pipes and transmits the data securely via mobile radio. With a 6-year battery life and an integrated display that shows key information in the field, the data logger is the perfect solution for long-term, convenient water management.
Large water meters play a central role in the monitoring of water supply networks.
Monitor bulk water meters easily, reliably and efficiently. Detect anomalies early and react immediately!
Microtronics Engineering GmbH
Hauptstrasse 7
3244 Ruprechtshofen
Microtronics Engineering GmbH
Hauptstrasse 7
3244 Ruprechtshofen
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