Securing water for future generations: implementing Water Vision 2100

Water is one of our most precious resources, but its sustainable use is becoming increasingly challenging. Climate change, increasing consumption and environmental pollution require innovative approaches to secure water supplies in the long term. The Water Vision 2100 of the Austrian Water and Waste Management Association (ÖWAV) and the Austrian Gas and Water Association (ÖVGW) shows what measures are necessary to protect water for future generations.

Table of Contents

Why water is our most precious resource

Water is the foundation of all life. It nourishes people, animals and plants, and is essential for agriculture, industry and energy production. But this precious resource is facing major challenges: Climate change is leading to more droughts and heavy rainfall events, pollutants are contaminating ground and surface water, and increasing water consumption requires more efficient use.

The publication Wasservision 2100, published by the Austrian Water and Waste Management Association (ÖWAV) and the Austrian Association for Gas and Water (ÖVGW), shows how a sustainable and safe water supply can be guaranteed for future generations.

The challenges: Water as a strategic resource

Water Vision 2100 makes it clear that water must not only be protected, but also managed efficiently. It focuses on four key challenges:

  • Protect ground and surface water: Pollutant inputs must be reduced and targeted restoration measures implemented.
  • Adapting to climate change: Long-term strategies are needed to minimise water shortages caused by droughts or flood damage caused by extreme weather events.
  • Sustainable investment in infrastructure: Water supply needs to become more resilient to crises such as power outages or cyber-attacks.
  • Efficient water use: Through the targeted use of smart technologies, water losses in pipe networks can be reduced and resources can be used more sustainably.

‘Digitalisation and innovative technologies are key levers for sustainable water management. With data-based solutions, we can minimise water losses and make our infrastructure more efficient.’ – Martin Buber, Managing Director Sales, Microtronics.

Digitisation as a solution: intelligent water management

A key theme of Water Vision 2100 is the role of digital technologies. Modern data loggers allow seamless monitoring of water consumption, quality and availability. This allows early detection of water losses and more efficient use of resources.

This is where our Jellox data logger comes in. The technology helps water suppliers and local authorities:

  • Record real-time consumption data
  • Early detection of leakage and damage
  • Derive targeted savings measures

Digital and networked data collection can make water management smarter, more sustainable and more resource efficient.

Act now for safe water

The water supply of the future requires a combination of ecological responsibility, technological progress and sustainable planning. Water Vision 2100 shows how water can be protected for the long term with targeted measures and innovative technologies – for a sustainable future and an intact ecosystem.

Take action now to protect water for future generations

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