Übeltäter H2S: Kampf gegen Geruch, Korrosion & Gesundheitsschäden


Almost all of us know the foul odor of rotten eggs. It is often caused by hydrogen sulfide, or in short: H2S. On top of that it can also form a sulfurous acid that affects pipings or ferro concrete. Last but not least hydrogen sulfide is also a highly toxic gas that can cause damages to health. Obviously we need to do something about it.

Risks of damage due to H2S

Hydrogen sulfide is often caused by the bacterial breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. This happens for example in water and wastewater as well as sewer and industrial plants. These undoubtedly indispensible facilities can become very unpleasant to for example residents or guests of nearby hotels since a too high H2S concentration can lead to sever odor nuisance. But H2S is also a threat to the plants themselves. It leads to corrosion of metal which may result in cost-intensive consequential damages or even breakdowns. Also the health of staff and residents has to be protected since H2S can lead to health damages such as mucosal irritation.

H2S monitoring with M2M

Consequently the monitoring of H2S values in the ambient air delivers crucial information for plant operators that help to operate their plants even more efficiently. M2M solutions are ideal to collect, transmit and analyze measured values. Together with a network of water and wastewater treatment experts Microtronics supports operators of water and wastewater as well as sewer and industrial plants in coping with H2S by providing them with hardware and software for a stable and reliable monitoring solution.

Concerning hardware the portable and robust measuring device myDatasens is the ideal tool. It measures and transmits the H2S values in the ambient air. The collected measured values are transmitted via GPRS to a cloud platform that is accessible from anywhere and at any time. GPRS offers the benefit of a fast and secure data transmission and does not require any further infrastructure. For plant operators that operate several facilities that means that they can monitor all their facilities immediately and centrally via their PC so that plants do not have to be checked by staff on-site. The constant data collection supports operators in detecting damages at a very early stage, in preventing failures and in optimizing processes. The H2S monitoring solution is also combinable with a dosing control. This enables the event-based or preventive dosage of chemicals to lower the H2S concentration.

The collected data is stored centrally on a cloud platform and is displayed in form of reports and graphs. The data can be accessed via PC, tablet or smartphone from anywhere and at any time. Alarming functions enable the automatic information of staff via e-mail, SMS or voice mail. This helps to manage maintenance schedules more efficiently. The data transmission is secured via AES encryption.

Robust measuring devices


myDatasens is ideally equipped for the usage in sewer, water, wastewater and industrial plants. It has a robust IP66 housing with excellent chemical resistance and a rubber casing. Furthermore it is certified for the usage in the ATEX zone 1.

Microtronics tip: You are an expert for water and wastewater treatment? The rubber casing of myDatasens can be branded with your logo. So your customers can experience their familiar brand environment also in the fields of H2S monitoring. The ATEX certificate can also be adapted to your company name. Learn more about the Microtronics Professional Services here

myDatasens is often used in locations without direct power connection. Therefore it was equipped with a long-life battery (battery lifetime up to 2 years). Due to all these facts the myDatasens data logger only requires a minimum amount of maintenance. If a device has to be replaced, the existing configuration will be adopted automatically.

M2M solutions offer vital support in coping with H2S. Knowing your H2S values helps you keeping them in balance.

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