Security of supply and inventory management of mobile goods with TeDaLoS

Table of Contents

You would like to quickly print important documents for the upcoming meeting. The penetrating beeps of the printer indicate that there is no paper left. The view of the copy paper stack promises nothing good. Instead of a stack of paper you see yawning emptiness. Now you have to go to the next office supplies shop instead of preparing for the important meeting.

It is clear that valuable resources are lost and the cost for a piece of paper multiplies. Particularly when purchasing C goods, there is enormous potential for optimisation and savings. C goods are things of the daily working routine that are constantly needed and cost little. It they are not there, when they are needed, this can be painful and cause high costs. Depending on the industry, this can be copy paper, screws, gaskets, air cushion film, packing tape, chemistry, etc.

The procurement of C goods results in disproportionately high costs, which are similar in a conventional procurement process to that of expensive A goods (e.g. machines). This means that the process costs for a pack of copy paper that costs around € 5 is similar to the process for a machine by € 10,000. And this is where TeDaLoS starts.


Internet of Things for the inventory management

Security of supply is granted and you do not have to worry about inventory control and reordering. There is no need for lead times, high investments or accesses to your IT.

The wireless TeDaLoS hardware is currently available in two sizes. The large sensor units are suitable for monitoring pallets, while the smaller versions (for example approximately the size of A4) are also ideal for light, small goods. The sensor unit measures the stock, temperature and position and ensures the supply security in office, production, storage and maintenance.

Based on the principle of the Vendor Managed Inventory your supplier knows now when you need resupply and supplies it to you in time. This ensures that there is always enough available, but at the same time not too much. The supplier receives the data via the integrated GSM module. Thus the wireless TeDaLoS sensor unit does not need access to you IT or infrastructure.

Additional features to monitor the status and location of your goods add value in your supply chain.

TeDaLoS in Use

Suppliers, expand your business model!

As a supplier you extend your offer by the service of the supplier-led stock. Additional convenience and the security of supply ensure that your customers are satisfied.


You create a new value in your business model. In the value-added chain you take over a task that your customer was previously responsible for. This is a task which is disproportionate for the customer, especially for C goods. You can therefore speak of a true win-win-situation.

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